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Road Biking
Road biking started out as something simple... I needed to commute 10 miles to work.
I started with a Trek mountain bike that was too small for me. I quickly realized that I needed a real road bike if I was going to commute by bicycle.
I purchased a white 2013 Jamis Ventura Sport shown below.

I rode that bike a lot and was getting to be a decent weekend warrior.
About a year later, the bicycle shop across the street from my university posted some listings, and explained that they were liquidating everything. I went to see if there was anything good and came across a 2013 Giant Defy Composite 0 for half off MSRP. There goes my tax return! This purchase revolutionized my cycling, and helped me become a better cyclist. I lovingly named her Victoria, inspired by Victory Road, the road leading from Beck Street in Salt Lake up to the Capitol.
After having a killer year of riding in 2015, I slowed down and wasn't able to ride as much as I would like as I finished school and started a new job with McNeil Engineering. Now, after moving to our St. George, UT location, I have been able to start riding more. The scenery in St. George and the lovely roads and trails are something out of a fairy tale.

Mountain Biking
I've never really been big into mountain biking. My brother is big into downhill, but I have a difficult time overcoming the fear of crashing. A few years back I purchased a Felt. It had 29" wheels and that's about all I remember about it. It was heavy, the brakes weren't that great and sounded scratchy, and it just wasn't a fun ride for me. I enjoyed the places I went to, but wasn't satisfied with the bike itself.

I rode a couple dozen miles, then ended up selling the thing, figuring I would eventually be able to purchase a better bike.
After a few months of living in St. George, the mountain biking itch returned. I kept my eye out online for a good priced bike or maybe a fixer upper. I ended up finding a 2014 Haro Flightline 27.Five for about $100. It needed a LOT of work, but work I was willing to put in.
The bike itself was trashed, and had sat out in the desert sun for a couple years. I restored it by replacing most of the plastics on it, the cassette, and the chain. I took it to the shop only to have them take a look at the brakes and to check the fork, both of which they told me were in pretty good shape. It's named Harold, the mean green machine. I've taken it out just once, and it rode like a champ. Once the summer starts cooling down a little more I will be able to take it out more and post some more photos.
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